Before I Die wall Vancouver prep

I am excited to announce that there will be two Vancouver locations for the upcoming Small World Big Dreams event tomorrow. The first location will be in Chinatown, in the alley behind 211 East Georgia Street. The second location will be at the corner of West Broadway and Macdonald.


The Chinatown location required that I build a structure to support the wall to ensure that no permanent damage would be done to the building. With the help of my brother (who also happens to be a carpenter) we used two-by-fours to frame up a temporary (and albeit, crude) wall. After attaching several sheets of plywood to the frame, we secured our new wall to the building using industrial grade zap straps.

vancouver before i die_before_1.jpg
a coat of primer on our 'wall' 

a coat of primer on our 'wall' 

chalkboard paint applied provides a very tempting surface for overnight vandals

chalkboard paint applied provides a very tempting surface for overnight vandals

Through Candy Chang's website, I ordered the Before I Die toolkit. It comes with a how-to guide, a stencil and a few other very useful items. Since I plan on making more than one wall, I wanted the mylar stencil as it's much more durable than paper. An added bonus was the letters of the smaller sentences were already cut out. You can also make your own stencils, if you prefer. The files are available for free download on the Before I Die website.

Image copyright © Candy Chang

Image copyright © Candy Chang

Now that the wall and stencils are prepared, all that's left to do is hope for sunshine tomorrow! Stay tuned for the 'After' photos! 

Before I Die wall project - Announcement

Image Copyright © Candy Chang

Image Copyright © Candy Chang

I've always loved the Before I Die project from artist Candy Chang. I find it so inspiring, not only for the incredible responses each wall receives, but also for the way it is created over time; impermanent and collaborative.

As a personal project, I am creating a global event to connect myself and friends around the world. I've done a lot of traveling, and as a result I've met some really amazing people. They would all love each other too, if they ever had the chance to meet. Could an event like this allow them to connect somehow and get to know one another?

Although technology makes the world seem small, sometimes the sheer physical distance between people seems vast and overwhelming. What if, by doing the same thing on the same day all over the world, my friends and I could transcend that physical distance? Would it feel almost as if we were together in the same place? What if myself and as many friends of mine as possible each made a Before I Die wall in our own community on the same day?


Map illustration: Sarah Clement

Map illustration: Sarah Clement

I'm calling the event Small World Big Dreams.  It will take place next month, on May 5th. With the support of Candy Chang, friends and I around the world will create as many Before I Die walls as possible. We will connect in a new global community while connecting with our own local communities in a very inspiring way. I hope we'll find the world is actually quite small and that we'll be witness to some pretty big dreams.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon. If you'd like to participate in this event, please contact me

Commuting Bag arrives in stores!



Since I started working at lululemon in 2010, I've had the opportunity to work on a number of accessories in a variety of materials. I've worked on socks, headbands, water bottles, hats, yoga mats, you name it. This Commuting Bag is the very first bag I designed at lululemon, and I have been anxiously anticipating its arrival in stores. Designed to fit on your handlebars or be worn cross-body, it is part of a commuting collection for urban cyclists. Reflected details provide added visibility, and cycling specific pockets are built in.

My dad made me stand beside the window so he could take a picture. How embarrassing.

My dad made me stand beside the window so he could take a picture. How embarrassing.


Update, April 30, 2013: There is now a portfolio page set up for this project. Check it out! See more here >